Charleston Area Men’s Interclub Golf Association
Fall Board Meeting, October 13, 2010
Attendees: Steve Windich, Al Byrd, Ridge Britton, Ken Ward, Terry Newman, Jack Heidenreich, Randy McDaniel, J T Parker, Phil Bees, Jim Delaney, Jim Lamm, Tom O’Halloran, Marty Lindusky. Absent: J C Gaillard
Minutes from the Spring 2010 meeting were reviewed and approved with one change.
The documents for 2011 were given out and reviewed by Ken Ward. It was moved that the cook-out at Stono Ferry be eliminated. All other aspects of the 2011 Schedule were approved. Directors were asked to have the signed agreement forms returned to Ken Ward by December 6th, which is the date for the RiverTowne match. All other documents were approved by the Board.
Al Byrd once again asked that Directors use the approved form to submit their teams for each match. Scorecard errors are still occurring and Directors were asked to make sure the cards are correct. It was moved that only the Directors should question Al regarding a players required points. If a player feels his point requirement is incorrect, he should bring it to the attention of the Director.
Steve Windich reported that our current balance is approximately $2052. By the end of the year we should have over $3000, so it was agreed that we will give $2500 to charity this year.
A motion was made and approved to give the East Cooper Meals on Wheels a check for $2500 at our Rivertowne match. Phil Bees will be requested to produce a large check for presentation. Jim Delaney will arrange for the people from East Cooper to be present. It was decided to not give any money to Palmetto House this year as there seems to be some question about their viability.
Ken Ward asked that each Director acquire boxes to be used for the score cards so that he does not have to bring them to each match. Cheap boxes from the Dollar Store will suffice. Any rules infraction should be reported to Ken on the day of the match. Once the match is over, we can no longer make any corrections.
Election of Officers for 2010 took place. President, Handicap Chairman and Tournament Chairman were re-elected. Following Dick Gemmett’s resignation, Terry Newman was elected as Treasurer. Terry will open a bank account convenient to him and the current funds will be transferred there and our account at Southcoast will be closed.
A motion was passed to increase Al Byrd’s stipend to $75 per Quarter.
A discussion took place regarding closest to the pin. Ken Ward will announce at each match that players must make sure that they put the closest to the pin marker back in place when leaving the green. The marker should always be put behind the hole so that it does not interfere with other players.
It was decided that in the event of a tie for first place in the year long competition we will have co-Champions and buy two trophies.
It was decided that we will only have three cook-outs next year.
It was confirmed that we do not allow outside advertising to our members but clubs can advertise events and special deals at their clubs.
Meeting adjourned.