Charleston Area Men’s Interclub Golf Association
Spring Board Meeting, April 21, 2009
Attendees: Steve Windich, Ridge Britton (for Darrell Verdeck), Al Byrd, Darrell Verdeck, Ken Ward, Terry Newman, Jack Heidenreich, Randy McDaniel, David George, Roger Schroeder, Travis McCaskill, Jim Delaney, Tom O’Halloran
Absent: J.C. Gaillard, Jim Lamm, Dick Gemmett
- Minutes from the Fall 2008 meeting were reviewed and approved
- Steve Windich gave the treasurer’s report on behalf of Dick Gemmett. Our current bank balance is $1233.10 and there are no outstanding payments due at this time.
- Al Byrd requests that all rosters are given to him by the Thursday prior to the match using the proper sheet. If there are any changes please call him and let him know in advance. Do not wait until Monday if possible. A discussion was held regarding the using of indexes for new players. It was decided that the current rules were the most fair to all and there would be no change.
- Ken Ward discussed the issue of incorrect scorecards. We need to have a separate area in which to shingle the cards. In future if we make a mistake after the certificates have been issued we will give the player involved cash. The issue of slow play was once again discussed. As part of this discussion Steve Windich presented Dick Gemmett’s motion to reduce the number of players per team to 8 from the current 10. After some discussion the motion failed due to no seconder. In the discussion it was explained that most do not feel the number of players is the problem but rather the slow players and one or two slow holes per round. It was also agreed that a 5 hour time for a tournament this size is comparable with any tournament held at the various clubs. We shall continue to try and identify slow players and have the director of that club speak to their players. In some instances it may be advisable to have players waive the next group up on slow par 3’s. It was discussed that some players are not putting continuously as they have been advised. We may have to implement some sort of penalty such as 0 points on any hole that they do this.
- A discussion was held to determine the charity for 2009. In these troubling economic times we decided to support Crisis Ministries as our main charity. If we have enough money to support two charities we will also support East Cooper Meals on Wheels. This determination will be made at our Fall Board Meeting.
- A discussion was held regarding replacing the current method of having cook-outs with an annual lunch or dinner. It was decided to leave the current plans in place. However, we will discuss at the fall meeting an idea of increasing our fees so that we can pay the clubs a little more for the food and possibly improve the fare.
- All Directors were reminded that their players should be posting their scores as tournament scores. It is not our job to police this but players should be reminded.
- A motion was put forward on behalf of Dick Gemmett stating that all players would have the option of walking during our events but would still have to pay the standard entry fee. It was decided that this would not be practical because some walkers would certainly slow down play and some courses like Rivertowne and Coosaw are not designed for walking. The motion did not carry.
- Patriots Point has a new pro named Jake Morgan.
- Meeting adjourned.